The Benefits Of Family Mediation Over A Court Case

The Benefits Of Family Mediation Over A Court Case

You might have wondered how family mediation can be better than going to court to handle your post-relationship issues. Family mediation is almost always preferable to divorce through a family court. It is less stressful, you’ll save time and money, it will safeguard important relationships, and you get to decide your own fate rather than a judge.

Our procedure is practical, solution-oriented, and does not dwell on blame. After just two meetings, many couples discover that all of their concerns have been resolved (some in one session). The following are the points to ponder upon while looking for family mediation over court cases:

1. It’s Faster

Family mediation is frequently the quickest method for resolving your financial or parental concerns. Family court can take up to two years to settle a case. A good family mediator will only focus on finding workable solutions, guiding both parties to reach their own settlement that they can live with, as opposed to both spouses hiring expensive family lawyers who will argue for months or even years through Family Court, laying blame on the other party.

Even if you are unable to resolve all of your disputes through family mediation, only the unresolved issues will have to be brought up in court, significantly speeding up the procedure.

2. Costs Less

It’s quicker and costs far less as you won’t need to employ attorneys. As a result, choosing mediation over using a family court turns out to be far more affordable.

Family mediation is typically performed for a fixed fee (unlike family lawyers, who can charge by the hour). So you are aware of what to expect right away. You can decide whether to split the fee between two people or pay it all at once.

Therefore, no one experiences an unpleasant shock at the end of a hefty monthly legal fee for the foreseeable future (as often happens in long-winded court cases).

3. Less Stressful

Family court disputes are likely to cause a great deal of stress for everyone involved, including the parties who are divorcing as well as their entire extended family and friendship groups. Family mediators considerably reduce tension and stress by looking at points of agreement, providing solutions, and staying calm and focused on crucial issues.

We are adept and knowledgeable in handling monetary agreements, parenting arrangements, and children’s issues by maintaining objectivity throughout the procedure and providing legal advice to both sides. The mediator will work with you to develop the papers necessary for your mediation agreement with your ex to be submitted to Family Court and made legally binding.

4. It’s Friendlier

Family mediators don’t represent either side. Instead, they inform both parties of their rights and responsibilities under the law, giving them the tools they need to reach a mutually agreeable solution.

Additionally, knowing one’s legal rights in full discourages both parties from making excessive demands of one another. This alone guarantees that tension stays low, making the entire procedure much more cordial.

Suppose you decide to move forward with family mediation in cases of abuse or violence. In that case, the meetings can be held via videoconference or with the participants in different rooms, easing worries about conflict and intimidation.

Contrary to a courtroom, where legal jargon can be perplexing, mediators typically make an effort to keep interactions straightforward by using everyday language that everyone can understand.

5. You Make The Decision

Your attorney will argue your case in family court on your behalf, and the judge will make the final decision. The best course of action for you and your children is family mediation.

You are never under any pressure to accept any terms you feel uncomfortable with throughout the entire family mediation process. You have all the time you need to work through each issue.

You can also get a second opinion from a family lawyer as an added security measure, and can even invite them to your mediation sessions.

In the end, you maintain control over your personal circumstances throughout the procedure.

About Us

There is proof that mediation is more efficient and affordable. Families are less prone to use the legal system, are more likely to abide by agreements, and are happier with settlements. It is our duty to serve you, to be respectful of you, and to work together with you to find solutions to your difficulties. To start the family mediation procedure Call us to have a confidential discussion.