Legal Representation
(Did you know that the laws regarding Alberta common-law couples are completely new as of January 1, 2020?)

Where Do You Start?

For most people, having a family law issue that requires the help of a divorce mediator is daunting. There is a lot of (wrong) information on the internet. We have all heard horror stories about how long this process can take, the cost, and the conflict.

Who should you choose to help you? Who do you trust?

We suggest that you choose our referred legal advisor for the best possible outcome:

  • Do you think alike? Do you believe separation and divorce should be more about family restructuring than war?
  • Do you want a fair settlement? Legal advisors who are settlement focused are typically less expensive (in the long run) and try not to go to court unless it is a last resort. People who want to ‘win’ usually do not understand the total cost either financially or emotionally.
  • Do you have similar values such as honesty, being a ‘straight shooter’, and doing the ‘right thing’?

Do you need a legal advisor who:

  • Has had some life experience and is not twenty or thirty-something?
  • Has a background in finance, settlement (mediation and arbitration), as well as the law?
  • Has been through separation themselves – and knows what works, what doesn’t and how to protect the children if applicable.

The Divorce Company Refers Clients To Experienced Legal Advisors.

Take Action – Get Started

While we try to present clear, workable information online, a website can only tell a piece of the story.

Why Not Come And Meet Us?

Book an initial no-cost 30-minute consultation at a time that is convenient for you. Bring whatever information you think is relevant such as all court documents, proof of income (for both you and your spouse), and a rough idea of your major assets and debts.

We get it, a consultation can be like a job interview. Interview us to see if we are a good fit to work with you.

Common Family Law Issues

Read more about the common issues of Separation and Divorce.

In Detail

There are 4 main issues of Separation and Divorce.


Types of assets and debts, how to value property, dates to use, and what property is exempt from division.


The two types of child support. How do you determine income? How long does child support last?


Spousal support is complicated. Why is there spousal support? What factors are considered?


How having a good parenting plan can benefit you.

In Detail

While cost is always a factor in deciding upon a legal advisor in Alberta, we encourage you to think of the value you’ll receive for the money you spend.

Our referred lawyers charge between $350 and $500 per hour. To keep your costs down, we will give you checklists and information packages that describe the work that you can do outside of our billable hours.

In Edmonton and across Canada, family law legal representation by a qualified family legal advisor requires a retainer to be paid. This is money that is prepaid and then deposited into a special account. As we perform our work we will draw on that deposit. At any time, you may ask that we stop our work and return any unused deposit or ask for a detailed bill outlining the work which has been done. Most lawyers in Edmonton will ask for a retainer between $3,000 and $5,000. Our initial retainer is $3,000 and we will ask you to add additional funds to the retainer when necessary.

If you only need help with some specific items, you can also hire us for certain tasks such as legal advice or reviewing the work that you have done. This is called ‘limited scope’ work and may have a different fee structure based on the work required. Regardless of the service performed, all fees are to be paid in advance.


Using a legal advisor can be expensive, but not using an advisor can be even more expensive.

Legal Aid

If you think you might qualify for Legal Aid the first step is to give them a call at +1 866-845-3425.

Legal Aid might be able to help you find a lawyer.

Legal Aid can cover the costs, while you pay Legal Aid a monthly amount.

Legal Aid Details

We do take some Legal Aid files, but you do not need to call us directly. The process requires that you first be approved by Legal Aid, and then Legal Aid will contact us to see if we can take the file.

You may need a lot of patience in waiting for information from Legal Aid as they are a government agency, and as such, they are understaffed and underfunded.

If you cannot afford a retainer and don’t qualify for Legal Aid, some free resources you could try include:

  • Student Legal Services (780-492-2226) operated by students at the University of Alberta’s Law School, or
  • Edmonton Community Legal Center (780-702-1725). No-cost meetings are available to chat with a professional legal advisor.
  • If you have a benefits plan through your work, your benefits provider might have some legal resources available.